Team Blue Card


The Blue Card is an Official Charity partner for the 2025 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon!
The United Airlines NYC Half Marathon lets you experience the bright lights of New York City, beginning in Brooklyn, over the historic Manhattan Bridge and FDR Drive, through Times Square and finishing in Central Park.
Team Blue Card runners use their training, platform, and the marathon to raise much needed funds and awareness to help The Blue Card with our mission of helping Holocaust survivors in need. Join Team Blue Card and make this amazing run and experience even more special by dedicating it to helping Holocaust survivors!
The Blue Card is thrilled to announce that the TD Five Boro Bike Tour will once again welcome bike lovers from across New York and around the country on its new date of Sunday, May 4th, 2025!
For this one day, the streets of Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island will be for cyclists only for an incredible 40-mile Bike Tour of NYC.
Team Blue Card has been an Official Charity Partner of the TD Five Boro Bike Tour since 2011 and is once again a Charity Partner for 2025. Join us for this amazing experience of riding through NYC while raising much needed funds and awareness for Holocaust survivors in need!

Team Blue Card in Endurance Events worldwide.

Thanks to Team Blue Card, The Blue Card has been an Official Charity Partner of the TCS New York City Marathon since 2009, the Miami Half/Full Marathon since 2011, the TD 5 Borough Bike Tour in New York City in 2011, participated at the NYC Panasonic Lifetime Triathlon since 2015, and participated in other marathons nationally and internationally including, Germany, Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel, and Italy. Our endurance team participants come from around the world, including Argentina, Austria, France, Israel, Italy, Mexico and South Africa. Team Blue Card has used social media crowdfunding, employer gift matching, sponsors, social networks, family and friends, and more ways to fundraise for Holocaust survivors in need. Thanks to their commitment and dedication, the members of Team Blue Card raised over $2,000,000 since 2009.

As The Blue Card works to better the lives of Holocaust survivors, we encourage everyone to better oneself by eating right, exercising, and taking care of oneself both physically and mentally.

If you are someone who runs and would like to get involved, or you want to get involved and do not know how, please consider running with Team Blue Card in the next local and national Marathons. Take this as the incentive you need to start taking care of yourself, while also spreading awareness and fundraising for Holocaust survivors who do not have the financial means.

If you already run, use this opportunity to make your run more meaningful by running for a cause. Run with Team Blue Card and help us raise the needed funds and awareness for Holocaust survivors living in poverty.

Team Blue Card in Endurance Events worldwide.

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