New Applicant


Holocaust survivors seeking assistance must be referred to The Blue Card by a social service agency or government agency in their area. A case manager at the social service agency performs a financial assessment and reviews the applicant’s income and expenses to establish need and, when appropriate, helps the senior access any public entitlements for which the survivor may be eligible.

In order to help as many Holocaust survivors as possible in the US, The Blue Card is an agency of last resort.
To potentially be eligible for The Blue Card’s assistance, a Holocaust survivor must show that they are 200% below the poverty line in income (not including SSI and restitution), they have an urgent financial need for assistance, that there is no other agency (local and government) that can assist, and that they live in The Blue Card’s jurisdiction via Claims Conference’s guidelines.

To check if your client lives in The Blue Card’s jurisdiction, please call or email The Blue Card office at 212.239.2251 or

The Blue Card carefully reviews each application and referral; all information is kept confidential. The review determines the appropriate amount of financial aid for that individual or couple, using federal poverty levels as a guide, with extenuating circumstances taken into consideration.

Social workers, please submit the Referral Application form to refer your client to The Blue Card for financial assistance.

When filling out The Blue Card application on behalf of your client, please be sure to make a clear recommendation as to what program the client will most benefit from. Please conclude the application by kindly providing your complete contact information on the bottom portion of the financial evaluation form; including the agency address, phone number (plus your extension) and your email.
Please either mail or email the application (Do Not Fax). 
To mail the application, please send it to:
The Blue Card
Attn: The Blue Card Committee
171 Madison Avenue, Suite 1405
New York, NY 10016

To email the application, please email it to with the subject line “Application Form for The Blue Card Committee”.

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