Siggi B. Wilzig Fighting Cancer Together Program


Fighting Cancer Together

Studies have shown that Holocaust survivors are not only 3 times more likely to suffer from cancer than members of the same age group, but are also more likely to die from the disease.*  As researcher Micha Barchana of the University of Haifa points out, “…malnutrition and near-starvation are responsible for the cancer legacy…”

The Siggi B. Wilzig, OBM “Fighting Cancer Together” Program seeks to ensure that survivors suffering from cancer have access to the aid that they need, in order to successfully battle this dreadful disease, by financially assisting to cover the medical co-pays as well as the transportation and dietary costs that cancer stricken survivors may incur. “Fighting Cancer Together” Program is designed specifically to alleviate the plight of survivors who are suffering from cancer.


We remain grateful to the Wilzig Family for their commitment and dedication to The Blue Card’s time sensitive mission. The continued support we receive from the Wilzig Family allows us to ensure Holocaust survivors battling cancer receive the care they desperately need and deserve.

Unstoppable, winnter of the Best of Los Angeles Award’s “Best Holocaust Book – 2021, depicts the incredible account of Siggi B. Wilzig’s astonishing journey from Auschwitz Survivor and penniless immigrant to Wall Street Legend.


Unstoppable is a must read and can be purchased on Amazon here, and a portion of the proceeds will benefit Holocaust survivors serviced by The Blue Card. 

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